Saddleback Autonomous Vehicle

Arduino/AVR and platformIO

February 04, 2016 | 4 Minute Read


One of the biggest struggles in working with hardware is getting code to play nice with an IDE, especially in Windows. Linux of course is much easier, but I spend half my time on a windows computer. At school we have only windows, and eclipse is the default IDE. I had been using the AVR plugin for eclipse successfully for a bit, but it has several things I dislike. Mainly that the settings for libraries and tools is linked to the project not the workspace, so you either need a blank project to copy or re-do the settings for every new project. It also seems to randomly break the entire workspace, meaning I have to re-create all settings from scratch.

This all came to a head last night as I opened a project for the first time since before break, and the eclipse AVR workspace was corrupted. I only had about 2 hours to work on my project and instead of re-creating an eclipse workspace and going through all that struggle I decided to look for an alternate solution…

Other Solutions:

  • Text editor and command line: Great for small things, but honestly for large projects with libraries I don’t know well or other people writing code it is nice to have some sort of code completion, highlighting, and parameter suggestion. The main project I am working with now is also for computer club, and I really want to make it accessible to entry level students, so finding a development environment that is both friendly but doesn’t hold back advanced students is a plus.
  • Arduino IDE: almost the same as above but no command line. It’s great for what it is, but it makes it really hard for the other C++ students in the club to write code the way we learned how to (breaking up into multiple files, classes, functions, etc)
  • Eclipse: Drawbacks mentioned above, it is the default IDE at our school but I think the drawbacks make it too much for entry level students.
  • MakeFile: There are makefile projects out there for arduino, AVR, etc. This is great but again not great for beginners.

Last semester a fellow student showed me clion, and I really liked it. It is unfortunately not free… but students can get a free copy. The code completion and suggestions are almost magical, it has git integration, code analysis and suggestions, and uses makefiles as a base. All the project and workspace settings play nice with git, which is nice as well since eclipse definitely lacks this ability. I started using it for my class assignments for these reasons, especially an easy break in for makefiles. The only problem is that it doesn’t support non-standard toolchains easily, and it seemed like too much work to modify it.

Enter PlatformIO

I had seen platformIO before but it advertises itself as an “open source ecosystem for IoT development”, and since IOT is not somethign I am into I never looked into it. But it came up as a way to get embedded harware working in clion in some google searches so I dug deeper. It was great! I was able to get my AVR project up and running in clion within 30 minutes.

What you need:


Here is the official quickstart guide, if my steps don’t work for you

Install platforio using pip (python package manager). Make sure this is a terminal with python 2.7 in the $path$. I didn’t have to install pip on my fresh install of python

pip install -U platformio

You can find the name of the board you are using using the!/boards. I am using a Arduino Diecimila with an ATMEGA328P chip. I already had a project so I made sure it matched the folder structure (with licraries in a src subfolder and libraries and includes in a lib subfolder and then ran the following command in my project folder.

platformio init --ide clion --board diecimilaatmega328

since I already had the suggested fodler structure it downloaded all the necessary libraries and tools for an AVR/Arduino project, created the Cmakelists.txt, and a platformio.ini and was done. I opened Clion and it recognized the folder as a project and was programming! Auto complete with all the libraries, compiling, and uploading to my board with no other settings. Nice!

Clion & AVR working!
Clion Working with my project, proof!

I will write more once I use it a little longer, but I am very impressed so far. I also noticed that it inclued a travis.yml file, and that travis has support for continous integration build for embedded platformIO projects. Nice! There is also integration with other IDEs so I might play with that to see what else there is for the day I eventually lose my free Clion liscense, or try to find a good open source alternative out of principle.